Contacts can be added by converting a current app user to a contact or by
adding them as a Generic Contact (e.g Department roles etc).
Contacts that are also users, will receive push notifications and
messages the same as an App user will (e.g for SOS alerts).
Generic Contacts not assigned as App users will only receive messages/ calls if selected too. By setting a contact as a Private Contact, such as a ERT member who will form part of the SOS contacts, they will display in the portal as a contact but not in the App for users to see their details.
All users with Emergency as their description will automatically
become SOS
2. Items that are saved only
will sit as draft
items. These can be edited as needed. Once saved & published
these will display in the app. Searching for items can be filtered be selecting the relevant box.
3. Items ticked as Archived can
be re-published when relevant to show in the app. Unpublishing is a
great option to remove content displaying on the app until its needed again.
Items can be unpublished by selecting edit on an existing entry.